
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

August E-Letter 2007 - Our New Look

Dear Friends,

Some great news to share with you all! We have finally found a place to print our magazine – Little Flower Family Press in Canada has agreed to print our magazine, partly in color, too! We hope this is exciting news for all of you as it is for us. The price of a subscription has been raised slightly due to printing costs as well as the postage that has been raised once again by the Postal Service. It is now $16.95 per US subscription. ($18.95 CAN and $32.95 other country.) Not a huge jump from $12 and we hope you find each extra penny worth it. We have tried as best we can to make the magazine extremely pleasing and inspiring both inside and out. If you would like to subscribe or renew please fill out our subscription form found on our website: subscription link

Do you know of any friends or family members that may be interested in receiving Saint Maria’s Messenger? If you do, please send us their email so that we may add them to our mailing list.

One of the hardest jobs that we have found in publishing Saint Maria’s Messenger is spreading the word. If you are able to help us please do so by telling friends and family about us, placing ads in newspapers, church bulletins, homeschool catalogs and on websites.

The next hardest job is writing all the articles and features for each issue. If you have any suggestions on what to write or would like to submit your own work, please contact us as soon as you can. saintmariasmessenger@yahoo.com

The profit we receive from each subscription ultimately goes back into the magazine. Donations are thus helpful for us to continue. We shall never rely on donations, yet, we are very thankful when they do come.

And as this is another e-letter installment we couldn’t end this without a few inspiring thoughts that we hope you will take to heart.

The Carmelite sisters in Ada, MI have a strong devotion to Saint Therese, as many Carmelite monasteries do. I sometimes think that St. Therese has become just way too popular and because of that I don’t have much devotion toward her or feel as drawn to her Little Way. However, Mother of the Ada Carmelites told me something that completely cleared those thoughts I had of Saint Therese’s over popularity. She told me that Saint Therese did nothing in her life. She worked no miracles, she did not found any orders, she did absolutely nothing extraordinary - at least in the world’s eyes. The only thing she did was love, she simply and with all her being loved. Love! “Love one another as I have loved you!” Mother Teresa wrote: “Our vocation is to belong to Jesus, not to work for the poor. The work for the poor is our love for God in action.”

Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity said once, “Someone who loves truly, no longer lives for herself.”

God bless you all and we pray you are all having a pleasant and safe summer!

In Jesus and Mary,

Bernadette and Rebekah Fox


Saint Maria’s Messenger